The residential building is located in Manastirski Livadi neighborhood in Sofia in an intensively developing urban area. The property is a corner plot, with an exit to Bulgaria Blvd. in proximity and a view towards Vitosha Mountain.
The strong identity and concept are based on two aspects - strict orthogonal frame and volume division, as well as the play between two-dimensionality and three-dimensionality in the different parts of the building. In all four elevations, the facades are created from a dark base of suspended ceramic slabs, on top of which white frames are laid in a graphic manner, emphasizing each opening and volume. The facade facing Vasil Stefanov Street, and the main approach to the building, is tectonically divided into 3 volumes, designed of square frames in a 4x5 row. Similar frames in different combinations are built on all facades. Being inspired by this design morphology, the project’s name – F20 – came up naturally.
The choice of materials further emphasizes the modernist and minimalist appearance – cladding of ceramic slabs in 3 tones and glass. Closer to the ground floor where the contact with the urban space, vegetation and people happens, the material delicately overflows and in a warm hue. The durability and longevity of the materials ensure maximum life of the vision and protection from external atmospheric influences.

Client: "Brevis" Ltd
Program: Residential building
Location: Manastirski Livadi District, Sofia
Gross Area: 8 634 sqm
Design year: 2019